Guest Designer
Every year, the Outreach Producers pitch to companies in the apparel industry to secure a Guest Designer for The Fashion Show. The involvement of our Guest Designers has evolved significantly throughout the history of The Fashion Show. Now, beyond simply presenting their collections on the runway, they participate in a wide array of activities during fashion week. This provides students with unique opportunities to engage with the Nordstrom guest Representatives through workshops, class lectures, events, and much more. Iowa State hosts these brands on campus throughout the week, allowing students direct interaction with the Nordstrom team.

This year, Sadie Besch and Megan Lenzi invited Nordstrom as the 2024 Guest Designer. The Fashion Show connected to the brand's revolutionary heritage in making customers feel good and look their best. The Nordstrom brand is very influential for Iowa State students as the brand innovates in bringing service, selection, quality, and value to customers. The Fashion Show Committees are actively incorporating the aesthetics and values of Nordstrom in all activities associated with The Fashion Show 2024.
Nordstrom representatives, Abby LaNasa and Henry Wang, are making a significant impact at our university by engaging with both Apparel Merchandising and Design students during a class lecture and prospective high school students during the "Behind the Scenes" Day. Their participation underscores the importance of our program as a leading force in shaping the future of the apparel and retail industry. By participating in workshops and speaking directly to high school students, LaNasa and Wang, are not only enriching our students' education but also inspiring them to explore and connect with the forefront of the retail sector. Their presence on campus is a valuable opportunity for students to learn from and interact with industry leaders.